Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh Baby!

Oh what fun! I travelled home to Iowa this weekend to see the new additions in that neck of the woods! First, Mr. Carter Robert Roseman was born September 7 and then, Miss McCartney Nicole Low, born on October 18. I chose to go home by myself as Bryon wanted to get some things done around the house, including staining our deck. It looks great. Anyhow, I ventured over to Aimee and Darren's and we spent the afternoon playing with the babies. By looking at them you couldn't possibly believe that Carter is only 6 weeks older than little McCartney. He is a big guy! I think he's going to be a linebacker. However, I have no idea where he gets his size from... not his parents! Both babies are absolute joys! I am excited to spoil them and especially drive Aimee crazy with pink little clothes. She isn't much of a girly girl, but if Auntie Trish can help - McCartney will be. I told her I couldn't wait to buy her those cute little tights with the ruffle on the butt! How adorable are those?!!? YEA. Can't wait. Darren offered up for Aimee to join Lori and I out for a bit. After having a wonderful dinner with my parents, I met Lori, Aimee and Tiffany out. We had a great time chatting about all sorts of interesting things. Think -- two childless women and the childbirth discussion (with details)! HA HA! It was wonderful to have them all around. Yesterday, we visited with some of my parents old friends in the morning and then mom and I went out for lunch (Taco Bar at Ganzo's of course) and to the mall for awhile before I had to get back on the road. Luckily for me the wind calmed down a bit before I got on the road, but not before Bryon had been blown OFF of a ladder at the house!!!! Luckily, he is cat-like and landed on his feet. I'm still waiting for the aches to set in. 15 ft!! That's FAR. I don't like him doing that sort of thing when he is alone, but he is a man so he probably forgot.
All-in-all the weekend was fantastic. Finished it up with my favorite show True Blood and fell asleep on the couch. Maybe that is why this morning I couldn't understand why it was light outside when I woke up. OOPS. My alarm "fell back" and I didn't even notice. It is automatic so when I thought I was getting up EARLY at 615 - it was actually 715--- YIKES! I felt bad for Bryon though when I had just told him he could sleep for another hour... then I come back and say nevermind -- GET UP! Typical Monday eh? Better this week than last, as I head off with Mom to NYC on Thursday!!!
Miss McCartney
Lori/McCartney, Me, Aimee/Carter
He's taking her to the prom in a few years no doubt!

Carter Robert
Momma's first drink - and she chose Smithwick's.
Thank God Tif didn't order it and say it wrong!

Tif & Trish - as Lori said - "You can't imagine one without the other"
Aimee Sue and Lori Lou

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oktoberfest and O'Donovan's

We had quite an exciting weekend. Starting off with Aimee and Darren's new arrival Saturday morning! We are SO excited! Saturday evening we (including Kevin, Bernadette and Charlie) went up to Long Grove for Oktoberfest! It was a little chilly to hang out in the outdoor area, although we did watch a Polka Band for a bit. Charlie was fascinated by their attire I do believe. Even though Kevin REALLY wanted to watch the outdoor movie "Frankenstein", neither Bern or I were going to be able to last much longer outdoors, so we headed into the Village Tavern for a MUG of Oktoberfest. Although we did sit outside, it was at least bearable. After numerous crackers and German cheese, we decided we (and Charlie too) would probably need a real dinner. We went over to Fritzl's and everyone except Charlie and I dined on authentic German fare. I had a few bites of Bryon's sampler platter and it was good! We had a good time hanging out and laughing at Charlie being goofy. I don't think there is anyway possible he could be cuter! I don't know who can resist his face!!

Sunday we met Jaime and Dan at O'Donovan's for some pre-game brunch. YUMMY! I hadn't been there forever and it was just as good as I remember - except more expensive! After that bill we decided to go by Dieter's game day hangout. He told us they had $1.50 beers! AWESOME! What we didn't know is that it was a private "men's" club that seemed like we were in some scary basement in someone's house. Oh well, after a couple who cares! We had a good time - and HEY although they try just like every other week - the Bears DIDN'T lose!


ANOTHER New Addition!!

Miss McCartney Nicole Low was born Saturday morning at 9:04, weighing in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and 19 inches long! What hair she has!!! She's beautiful! Congratulations Mommy and Daddy Low!
Auntie Trish and Uncle Bryon couldn't be more excited! We can't wait to meet her!

Proud mommy Aimee

Beautiful Family

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10 fingers, 10 toes...

Nolan Robert

We got to meet our new nephew last night! I think he is the cutest baby ever!

Proud Auntie "Ish" - Charlie can't quite get out the TR part of my name so Ish it is...
He looks really little with big Uncle Bryon holding him.
Proud big brother Tyler... it seems like just yesterday we were visiting Ty when he arrived to the world.
Little Charlie is having a hard time giving up HIS momma to the new baby... He told Uncle Bryon in this little voice (nearly a cry) - that "the baby is touching MY mom's boobs!!" Uncle Bryon told him it would be okay and he said "NO!" He was so funny... not being able to remember little Nolan's name... he kept looking to others for what his name was - ya know Da Baby...
Poor mama was exhausted and is going to have her hands full with her newly expanded household. But everyone is happy and healthy and doing well. :)


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Addition!!

We have a brand new baby nephew, Nolan Robert, born today at 7:00 AM! Pictures to follow...

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Craft Show Finds

Welcome Fall

This weekend was my annual fall induction weekend. I went to my favorite annual craft show with my mother-in-law. I found all kinds of goodies and ideas for my own. It was a great day out in the boonies of IL and I made sure to take home some goodies as well (Kettle Corn). We had dinner with our friends Chris, Julie and Maria. Sunday, I had lunch with my friend Alieh from my gym. She had been inviting Carol and I over for some time as she wanted to cook for us. You see, she is originally from Iran and wanted us to try some of her native gourmet cuisine! It was fantastic!! I was so full. After visiting for quite a while, I headed back over to the Crowleys. Bryon was helping keep track of his sister's three boys for the day. He took them on a 10-mile bike ride. I may not have believed him if I didn't see the exhaustion on their faces. We had barbeque over there for dinner and visited with his parents and Kevin and Bernadette. The boys were really great and we had a great time. We were however happy to go home and get some rest after a long weekend.

Tonight... we learned that Teri (Bryon's sister) is headed to the hospital pending the birth of her 5th child!!! We can't wait to hear more news.... now we are just waiting on Aimee's new little one! It's going to be an exciting week!!

Playing Catch Up

I know I've been terrible blogging lately, but life just isn't as exciting as it was this summer! Lots of work... and that seems about it. However, two weeks ago my cousins and I pulled off an incredible Stewart Family Reunion! We were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous day out at West Lake. It seemed we had a record attendance! My cousins came up with fantastic kids' games and prizes and the kids had a riot!! We had great food and great company. It's a rarity that people enjoy hanging out with their family as much as we do. We hope to keep up the momentum year to year. We even have ideas for next year already. I loved getting to see everyone and chat. It was great for Bryon to get to know everyone a bit better as well. We spent 8 1/2 hours hanging out before we went home to watch the Cubs blow it. Oh well. The next day we went to see our friends, Aimee & Darren, Tif and Tori and then over to my cousins' race track. It was a fantastic weekend all in all... we even had Whitey's ---- YUM!
9 out of 11 Surviving Stewart Siblings.