Monday, October 13, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I know I've been terrible blogging lately, but life just isn't as exciting as it was this summer! Lots of work... and that seems about it. However, two weeks ago my cousins and I pulled off an incredible Stewart Family Reunion! We were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous day out at West Lake. It seemed we had a record attendance! My cousins came up with fantastic kids' games and prizes and the kids had a riot!! We had great food and great company. It's a rarity that people enjoy hanging out with their family as much as we do. We hope to keep up the momentum year to year. We even have ideas for next year already. I loved getting to see everyone and chat. It was great for Bryon to get to know everyone a bit better as well. We spent 8 1/2 hours hanging out before we went home to watch the Cubs blow it. Oh well. The next day we went to see our friends, Aimee & Darren, Tif and Tori and then over to my cousins' race track. It was a fantastic weekend all in all... we even had Whitey's ---- YUM!
9 out of 11 Surviving Stewart Siblings.

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