Sunday, January 23, 2011

21 Weeks Pregnant

How big is your baby? About the size of a large banana — and speaking of bananas, if you eat one this week, there's a good chance your baby will get a taste, too. That's because he swallows a bit of amniotic fluid each day (for nutrition, hydration, and to practice digesting), so he eats whatever's on your menu — and gets to put those developing taste buds to good use. So go ahead and nosh on those nachos (or crunch those crudités): Your baby may develop a taste for them when he’s older.

Last week baby was as big as a cantaloupe but now she's as big as a bananna. It seems like a cantaloupe is bigger, but all right then!!

If baby will be craving what I eat, then she will be wanting Mexican Food all the time! And some ice cream too!

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