Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chin Up Kid - It's Really Not That Bad

So lately it seems like everything has been so blah. From the blizzards to the bitter cold... really what has there been to look forward to right? That’s how we’d been feeling anyway. And then we had a series of unexpected events where it just made us feel like everything just seems to go wrong and not according to plan. For instance, last weekend we had to shell out $1,000 for a new refrigerator for the rental house. Not for US but for someone else. That makes it worse. Then, the next day my wonderful husband breaks my “more expensive than the fridge” laptop! Hence, the lack of posts in the past few days. Now I know he didn’t MEAN to, but still it made me very upset as it is one of my most prized possessions and something I utilize every single day. *Gasp* You mean I can’t blog on my lap? I have to sit at a computer desk? Anyway, these are just a couple of the more serious things that were not going our way as of late.

Yes these things are total bummers, but in the grand scheme of things – it isn’t the end of the world and we need to step back for a second and realize our good fortune. We were humbled a bit this weekend by news of some unfortunate events in the life of one of our friends. I don’t need to go into detail, but I feel horrible for this friend and what she has had to face and endure in the past few days. We continue to pray for you and your situation.

Now – most of us (myself included) sometimes complain about things that really are of no importance in our lives whatsoever. They may make our lives a little bit more inconvenient – but oh heavens what will we do?? It is of course human nature I believe to do so, but sometimes we need to step back and check ourselves. We did a bit of that this weekend. First and most important, we are alive and healthy as are our friends and family. We also have the unconditional love of family and friends. The people in our lives are the most important thing to us. We continue to be employed in this very shaky economy. Should we not be any longer, we have quite a bit of time that we will be just fine before we would even have to change our lifestyle. Next, we have said lifestyle. Not that we have everything one would ever desire, but we have one would ever need. And then some.... a lot more actually. We could make do with a lot less than what we have. We are, afterall, typical Americans and that’s how we live. I hope this economic downturn has at least made us consider how very lucky we are.

On the other hand, beginning with yesterday’s Inauguration and promise of change, I hope the economy will be on its way to recovery along with the State of our Union as a whole. I hope we will have reason to stand proud once again. (In Illinois too!!)

Okay... now I typically don’t write such deep blogs! What the!? On a much more positive note – I DO have something to be tremendously thankful for!!! In two and a half weeks, we are heading out to Breckenridge for our annual ski trip and staying at our kick-ass timeshare. I cannot WAIT to sit in our private hot tub having a drink while it’s snowing. Now typically I would say I could do without the snow, but I’ll take it because after 5 days in CO, we are heading to Cabo San Lucas for the next 5 days! Again, through our vacation ownership club we are staying at a ridiculously beautiful resort!! AND it will be warm! I swear I haven’t yet gotten warm this YEAR. I can’t wait to be hot! And more than anything – I finally get to go whale watching after years of missing the season with every adventure we have taken!

I’m seriously glad there is a happy ending.


1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Trish, thank you so much for praying for us and putting an entry in your blog about us! I don't think we could have gotten through all of this without everyone's prayers. Keep them coming as she still has a lot of healing to do...especially her brain. We're hoping the confusion gets better each day.